Beginning this Sunday our 11:30 am English Mass will resume.
All our parishioners must adhere to the following two points:
Face masks or coverings must be worn at all times.
Social Distancing must be maintained.
Additionally, the following guidelines and steps will be followed and strictly enforced:
Our parish will have a deep clean before opening.
Signs will be posted informing visitors of safety procedures and norms.
There will be stations with hand sanitizer before entering the Church.
All ushers will have facemasks and gloves on.
Usher will be in the main door checking temperature and ensuring that parishioners have a mask in order to enter the parish.
Usher will count at entrance how many visitors can enter so we won’t exceed the capacity doors will be close after capacity has been reached (only approximately 60 people will be allowed in).
Usher will reinforce no roaming around the church, our pews are separated with 6 feet of distance.
No shaking hands during Mass (the Sign of Peace)
Communion – the space is marked in the floor with 6 feet distance, an usher will guide the visitor to receive communion. Before receiving communion, the usher will provide hand sanitizer.
Baskets will be placed near the exits to receive any donation.
Ushers will help dismiss visitors by pews to the designated exit doors (side doors).
Pews will be wipe down before the next mass continues.
All missalettes and hymnals have been removed from the pews.
Holy Water fonts have been emptied
Bathrooms will not be available until further notice.
We ask that you please remain at home if you are over 65 years of age, have any underlying health conditions, or are experiencing any COVID-19 virus symptoms. Dispensation has been granted by Archbishop Gomez to all the faithful of the archdiocese from Sunday Mass obligations.
During this reopening period, Masses will be live-streamed on our Facebook page: Spanish at 10 am and English at 11:30 am.